"The Lovers Lyfe" is based on a true story that shows no matter how long or how far apart if its meant to be." The film centers on the story of Nina, a young, single mother in Pittsburgh during the 1990s.
At just the tender age of 19, Nina must act with bravery and determination when she is faced with multiple challenges at once: losing her mother to cancer, parenting on her own, and supporting herself and her young daughter. While working in a Pittsburgh nightclub Nina meets Chris, a spirited young entrepreneur who shares Nina’s resolve for a better life. While time and circumstance drive the two apart, a chance Facebook message – sent nearly two decades after their first encounter – ultimately brings them back together.
Inspired by the events of Brooks’ own life, her goal in creating the series is to encourage others to overcome their greatest challenges, and remind them to never give up on love. "Who would have thought a simple Facebook message would rekindle a lost love in such an unforgettable way. Here's the story of "The Lovers Lyfe"
“As a native of Pittsburgh, it is both a privilege and honor to film “The Lovers Lyfe” amid what is one of the most cinematic skylines anywhere in the world. I’m excited and blessed to film here in Pittsburgh, not only because of the talent and visual splendor of our city, but to help advance film in Pittsburgh for all artists, African-American performers and independent film producers.” -Nina Brooks
Emmy Award-winning film director Emmai Alaquiva, nationally-renowned actress Christina Cooper, and celebrated screenwriter Cambreisha Montgomery are among the cast and crew. With an emphasis on bringing African-American talent to the screen, “The Lovers Lyfe” spotlights the extraordinary abilities of artists from both Los Angeles and Pittsburgh. In addition to sharing her story and expanding opportunities for African-American artists, Brooks also hopes to strengthen Pittsburgh’s burgeoning footprint in the film and television industry.
About Nina Brooks
Film Producer, Writer, Creator and IT Guru, powerhouse of leadership and the creative force behind production. Humble beginnings as an orphan teenage mother , she is now Co-Founder of CEP Productions, LLC., a film production company. Nina attended the Pittsburgh High School for the Creative and Performing Arts and has acquired a Master's Degree in Leadership from prestigious Duquesne University. Nina's work has been selected to showcase at The 2019 PAN African Film Festival.
@ThisIsNB @TheLoversLyfe